Thanks for expressing an interest in doing your part for the environment by choosing to swap rather than buy your next earrings brand new. Ear For Good offers the collection, cleaning and curation of pre-loved handmade earrings as a trade for your pairs that are still appealing and high quality, but are now just sitting and gathering dust. All of this at the fraction of the price of new, plus you avoid contributing to the landfill created by fast fashion (and less spoken about fashion accessories/ jewellery disposal).
Where to from here? It’s simple…
- In the message box below, please nominate the number you wish to exchange, plus your return postage option. Any additional info about your style and preferences (ie studs vs dangles, glitter vs fabric etc) will help to piece together the perfect collection for you to adorn your lobes.
- I’ll send you payment details and if you choose the ‘I got this’ postage option, I’ll let you know where to send your preloved handmade earrings. You can also choose to receive prepaid packaging, if you don’t have the time to make it to a post office.
- Once the posted goodies have been received, a curated selection of clean and new-to-you earrings of equal estimated value will be on their way (please don’t send mass produced poor quality items if you don’t want to receive that in return).
- Tag @earforgood with your beautiful new arrivals and feel good that both your wallet and the environment haven’t taken a hit this time!!
I’ll be sending in and wish to receive in return...
- 5 pairs ($25 inc shipping)
- 10 pairs ($35 inc shipping)
Return Postage Options
- I've Got this- (FREE) I’m happy to carefully package and pay to send the nominated number of earrings in myself.
- Keep it Simple- ($10) Please send me the self-addressed prepaid packaging so I just need to drop it off at a Red Postbox.